Log in as an unprivileged user and grab their session tokens. This plugin allows you to pop-in some session tokens and repeats each request it sees with those tokens. On an average site with 20-30 different administrative functions and a handful of different roles, this type of manual checking could take days.

This comes in really handy when ensuring Scanner is still authenticated or ensuring Macros are working properly. It logs everything that Burp Suite sends. Trouble is, with some Burp Suite functions such as Scanner, Extender or Sequencer, the traffic is not visible within Burp Suite. If you have used Burp Suite for any extended period of time, you will fall in love with being able to see everything that your browser is communicating to a web application. Here’s a short list of extensions, in no particular order, that we use on nearly every engagement in 2019.

Users can add features for nearly every type of web technology out there. It has solid performance, a ton of features, and most importantly, extensibility. When doing Web Application Penetration Tests, one tool dominates the desktops of most Security Consultants: Burp Suite Professional ( ). The Top 8 Burp Suite Extensions That I Use to Hack Web Sites