Unity top down engine
Unity top down engine

unity top down engine

To perform actions when a character such as an NPC dies or is revived, add an On Death Event component. If you want to be able to navigate other UIs with a joystick/keyboard such menus, see How To Set Up Scenes. In particular, please keep in mind that Inventory Engine disables UI navigation while the inventory is closed. If you're using More Mountains' Inventory Engine, see Inventory Engine Support.

unity top down engine

Add a Dialogue System Trigger set to OnUse.Add a Use On Button Activated component.

unity top down engine

You can usually leave these at the default.

  • If the player will be using the gamepad to select response menu buttons, verify that UICamera → EventSystem and Standalone Input Module's inputs are what you want to use.
  • If you will allow the player to open the Inventory Engine UI during conversations, add an AllowUINavigationDuringConversations component to the Dialogue Manager.
  • Note: You can also add this component to your quest log window.
  • If you add it to a player prefab, it will only pause during conversations involving that player. If you add it to the Dialogue Manager, it will pause TopDown Engine during all conversations.
  • Add a Pause TopDown During Conversations component to the Dialogue Manager or your player prefab(s).
  • Add a Dialogue Manager (e.g., from Prefabs).
  • Use these steps to set up a TopDown Engine scene for the Dialogue System: To play the example scene, you will also need to import the Inventory Engine Support package. You can set both of these symbols using the Dialogue System's Welcome window (Tools > Pixel Crushers > Dialogue System > Welcome Window). If you see a warning about 2D colliders, make sure the Scripting Define Symbol USE_PHYSICS2D is set. If the camera doesn't follow the player in this scene or TopDown's original Koala2D scene, make sure the Scripting Define Symbol CINEMACHINE_INSTALLED is set. The ninja in the hall (just below this room) demonstrates a conversation. The ninja in the room directly above the player demonstrates barks. It contains two Dialogue System-enabled NPCs. It includes an example scene based on the Koala2D scene. This integration adds functionality to start conversations within the TopDown Engine framework.
  • Assets ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► TopDown Engine Support.
  • Assets ► Pixel Crushers ► Common ► Third Party Support ► TopDown Engine Support.
  • They will unpack files into these folders:
  • Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► TopDown Engine Support.
  • Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Common ► Third Party Support ► TopDown Engine Support.
  • TopDown Engine copyright © More Mountains. This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with More Mountains' TopDown Engine.

    Unity top down engine